17 class PreferencesDialog;
97 void showColor(
const QString &i_colorName);
169 auto gphotoInfo(
const QString &i_name) -> QString;
Preference class to change and store the application settings.
Preferences(QWidget *parent=nullptr)
Preferences constructor.
void pigpioDeamon()
Check if pigpio deamon is reachable.
static constexpr unsigned int DEFAULT_QUERY_INTERVAL
void clearDirectoryContent()
Clear directory content of the photo directory.
void mouseMoveEvent(QMouseEvent *event) override
This event handler, for event event, can be reimplemented in a subclass to receive mouse move events ...
static constexpr int COUNTDOWN_START_VALUE
static constexpr unsigned int DEFAULT_OUTPUT_PIN
void commandLineOptionsDialog()
Show help dialog for gphoto2/raspistill command line options.
static constexpr unsigned int DEFAULT_INPUT_PIN
void savePreferences()
Save the preferences to QSettings.
Ui::PreferencesDialog * m_ui
Preferences(const Preferences &other)=delete
Preferences default copy constructor.
void chooseDirectory()
Open a QFileDialog to choose the photo directory.
void restoreDefaultPreferences()
Restore default preferences.
auto gphotoInfo(const QString &i_name) -> QString
Read gphoto2 / libgphoto2 version and camera model.
Preferences & operator=(Preferences &&other)=delete
Preferences default move assignment.
void loadPreferences()
Load application settings from INI file.
static constexpr int DEFAULT_TIMEOUT
void stopCountdownMode()
Stop countdown, stop mouse tracking and set normal window title name.
void showColor(const QString &i_colorName)
Show the given color in QLineEdit.
void connectUi()
Signal & Slot connect.
void windowPosition()
Set the window position.
Preferences(Preferences &&other)=delete
Preferences default move constructor.
auto applicationAvailable(const QString &i_name, const QString &i_message) -> bool
Check if application is installed and available.
void verifyApplication(const QString &i_name)
Check camera application availability and provide help if needed.
void setButtonIcons()
Set icons for all QToolButtons.
Preferences & operator=(const Preferences &other)=delete
Preferences default copy assignment.
void colorDialog()
Open a color picker to choose background color for FotoBox.
~Preferences() override
Preferences destructor.
bool verifyPath(const QString &i_path)
Check if the path is useable.
void startFotoBox()
Start the FotoBox.