Preference who stores the preferences.
void inputPinChanged(unsigned int)
signal: pigpio GPIO input pin has changed
void argumentLineChanged(QString)
signal: camera framework arguments has changed
void setOutputPin(unsigned int i_value)
set pigpio GPIO output pin
void setInputPin(unsigned int i_value)
set pigpio GPIO input pin
void backgroundColorChanged(QString)
signal: background color of the FotoBox UI has changed
unsigned int queryInterval
void photoNameChanged(QString)
signal: photo name template has changed
void setQueryInterval(unsigned int i_value)
set how often the pin should be queried
void cameraModeChanged(QString)
signal: the camera framework to be used has changed
void setTimeoutValue(int i_value)
set timeout value for the camera framework
void setCountdown(int i_value)
set countdown until photo is taken
void printChanged(bool)
signal: print has changed
void setCameraMode(const QString &i_value)
set the camera framework to be used
void setArgumentLine(const QString &i_value)
set camera framework arguments
void setPhotoFolder(const QString &i_value)
set photo output directory
void setPhotoName(const QString &i_value)
set photo name template
void photoFolderChanged(QString)
signal: photo output directory has changed
void setPrinterName(const QString &i_value)
set printer name
void showButtonsChanged(bool)
signal: whether buttons are displayed on the UI has changed
void setShowButtons(bool i_value)
set whether buttons are displayed on the UI
void setCountdownColor(const QString &i_value)
set font color of the countdown
void countdownChanged(int)
signal: countdown until photo is taken has changed
QString m_backgroundColor
static PreferenceProvider & instance()
get instance (Meyers Singleton)
void setGrayscale(bool i_value)
set grayscale bool (monochrome photography)
void timeoutValueChanged(int)
signal: timeout value for the camera framework has changed
void grayscaleChanged(bool)
signal: grayscale (monochrome photography) has changed
void outputPinChanged(unsigned int)
signal: pigpio GPIO output pin has changed
void countdownColorChanged(QString)
signal: font color of the countdown has changed
void setPrint(bool i_value)
set print on or off
void queryIntervalChanged(unsigned int)
signal: how often the pin should be queried has changed
void setBackgroundColor(const QString &i_value)
set background color of the FotoBox UI
PreferenceProvider(QObject *parent=nullptr)
hide Preferences default constructor (Singleton)
unsigned int m_queryInterval
void printerNameChanged(QString)
signal: printer name has changed