12 #if defined (__arm__) && __has_include(<pigpiod_if2.h>)
35 explicit Buzzer(QObject *parent =
This class handles the buzzer.
Buzzer & operator=(Buzzer &&other)=delete
Buzzer default move assignment.
void stop()
Stop executing.
Buzzer & operator=(const Buzzer &)=delete
Buzzer delete copy assignment.
static auto checkDeamon() -> bool
Check if pigpio daemon is reachable.
~Buzzer() override
Buzzer destructor.
Buzzer(Buzzer &&other)=delete
Buzzer default move constructor.
Buzzer(const Buzzer &)=delete
Buzzer copy constructor.
std::atomic< bool > m_stop
void queryPin()
Query the Raspberry Pi pin.
auto initialise() -> bool
Initialises the library and sets the GPIO mode.
Buzzer(QObject *parent=nullptr)
Buzzer constructor.
void triggered()
Buzzer was pressed.